OneCoin: Ex-employee of the company sued for money laundering

OneCoin: Ex-employee of the company sued for money laundering

OneCoin: Ex-employee of the company sued for money laundering
OneCoin: Ex-employee of the company sued for money laundering
Type: Analysis | News
1666437327 22 Oct / 11:15

Allegations of money laundering, fraud, and banking crimes have been brought against individuals associated with fugitive OneCoin founder Ruzha Ignatova.

According to reports, a Munich lawyer who worked with the “crypto queen” allegedly transferred $19.7 million to Ignatova to purchase two apartments in London. The other two defendants include a husband and wife accused of processing over €320 million in OneCoin customer payments in just one year.

Ignatova is well known for her Ponzi scheme, which The Times called “one of the biggest frauds in history.” In 2019, she was also the subject of a BBC podcast titled “The Missing Cryptoqueen.”

The scandalous Bulgarian founded the OnceCoin initiative, which started in Bulgaria, then left the company in 2017. Federal investigators in Manhattan accuse her of fraud and money laundering in connection with a pyramid scheme.

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said on Twitter that they would add her to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list on June 30, 2022. Ignatova is also the only woman on the list.

Ruja Ignatova FBI Most Wanted

In May, Europol also listed Ignatova as one of the most wanted individuals on the law enforcement agency’s list. People were also promised a $5,200 reward for sharing any information that could lead to her capture – however, Ruzha Ignatova remains at large.

Ruja Ignatova Europol Wanted


We at CryptoTeka, apart from being people interested in Crypto in general, and also as Bulgarians, this mass fraud is extremely offensive to all the moral values that we would like to invest in the idea of cryptocurrencies. For us, Blockchain and Crypto mean an independent system that monitors and reduces financial fraud. We would like to emphasize that the Bulgarian “Crypto Queen” should not be taken as a standard that describes all Bulgarians or all the bad actors in Crypto in general, as they are MANY. Be wary and always double and triple-check every project that you invest in.
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