



Your Income
464.01 K KLAY
Market Cap
$804.08 M
Separate Merge Volatility

KLAY/USD - Price

Interval: Hours Days Months
Period: 1D 7D 14D 30D 60D 90D 180D 360D 720D 1080D

90 Days Average: $ Volatility Score (from 1 to 100)

KLAY/USD - Market Cap

Interval: Hours Days Months
Period: 1D 7D 14D 30D 60D 90D 180D 360D 720D 1080D

90 Days Average: $

KLAY/USD - Daily Volume

Interval: Hours Days Months
Period: 1D 7D 14D 30D 60D 90D 180D 360D 720D 1080D

90 Days Average: $

KLAY - Supply

Interval: Hours Days Months
Period: 1D 7D 14D 30D 60D 90D 180D 360D 720D 1080D

90 Days Average: KLAY

Klaytn is a public blockchain platform released via Ground X. Launched in 2019, Klaytn is the dominant blockchain in Korea, having secured the central bank digital currency (CBDC) assignment with the bank of Korea. Klaytn is likewise incorporated with KakaoTalk through its crypto wallet Klip.


Klaytn is a Byzantine fault tolerance consensus-based public blockchain advanced via internet massive Kakao company. Klaytn released its mainnet, Cypress, on Jun 27, 2019. it is also the blockchain platform for the essential bank digital currency (CBDC) mission with the bank of Korea by way of personal blockchain deployment.


KLAY is the native currency of Klaytn and can be used for transaction charge payment, KLAY staking, as a medium for exchange, etc. 10 billion tokens have been issued, and extra KLAY is published through the following new block creations.

Investment shape

Klaytn’s investment structure constantly runs with Klaytn network’s block technology. With every new block, newly issued KLAY and the sum of transaction expenses used in the block (collectively known as “block reward”) are aggregated and distributed to the subsequent three destination bills according to the predetermined ratio:

  • Klaytn Governance Council reward: 34%
  • Klaytn growth Fund (KGF): 54%
  • Klaytn development Reserve (KIR): 12%

Klaytn Governance Council

Klaytn Governance Council is the collective organization of core cell Operators (CCOs). Council contributors are chargeable for keeping core Cells (CCs), making the Council an essential body in the Klaytn ecosystem responsible for supplying the underlying infrastructure. The Governance Council’s early participants had been restricted to trusted companies. To become a Council member, the candidate must go through a qualification review via the Klaytn Governance process and need to stake a minimum of 5 million KLAY. The Klaytn Governance Council reward is a structure for incentivizing Council contributors to maintain to offer a solid foundation for the Klaytn ecosystem.

Klaytn growth Fund

The Klaytn growth Fund (KGF) offers grants and invests in numerous companies and individuals contributing to the Klaytn financial system. During its initial segment, digital asset applications and infrastructures will be some of its attention areas, and it’ll constantly finance it via a certain percentage of the block rewards.

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