Sergey Nazarov

Sergey Nazarov

Sergey Nazarov

Sergey Nazarov

Russian FederationRussian Federation
‘89 / 36 Y.O.
Years Present
2017 - now
Net Worth
$100.00 M

Chainlink was founded in 2017 via Sergey Nazarov and Steve Ellis, who introduced the Chainlink protocol and community with Cornell University professor Ari Juels the same year. Between blockchain and off-chain environments, Chainlink acts as a bridge. The community, which provides Smart contracts, was officially released in 2019.

Nazarov was opened to computer systems early, mainly because his mother and father both were engineers. Nazarov “sat in front of a keyboard” for the primary time when he was five. Coindesk additionally writes that Nazarov was enthusiastic about Legos and liked to take vintage cathode-ray TVs aside to see how they work. Nazarov favored playing real-time strategy video games as well.

Sergey Nazarov graduated from New York College with a bachelor’s diploma in Philosophy and management in keeping with his LinkedIn profile, earlier than launching his agencies, Nazarov had served as a teaching Fellow at NYU Stern College of Business (January 2010 – May 2010, he was a teaching assistant to Professor Lawrence Lenihan).

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