Juan Benet

Juan Benet

Juan Benet

Juan Benet

‘88 Mar 16 / 36 Y.O.
Years Present
2014 - now
Net Worth
$10.00 M

Juan Benet is the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) inventor. Benet wants his protocol to make the web more secure, extra open, and Filecoin, a cryptocurrency incentivized storage community.

The 26-year-old Mexican-American dual citizen used the startup incubator after a spell of educational respite, taking graduate-level computer technology courses at Stanford. Simply four years after finishing a bachelor’s diploma in the same subject, also at Stanford, Benet had already constructed a popularity as a world-class coder. In 2010, he released a gaming startup, Loki Studios, acquired by Yahoo in just three years. Then there was his bold open-source education platform, Athena – which failed.

Juan based Protocol Labs in May 2014. Consistent with its website, Protocol Labs is an open-supply research, improvement, and deployment laboratory for blockchain generation that creates software structures that tackle significant challenges and whose aim is to “make human existence better via technology.” Protocol Lab’s projects consist of IPFS, Filecoin, libp2p, Multi formats, IPLD, and SourceCred.

Protocol Labs was established in the USA and integrated into Delaware. However, its team works remotely. As of 2021, it has 130 participants, $250M in funding (such as Filecoin ICO), and is positioned in Palo Alto, California.

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