Billy Markus

Billy Markus

Billy Markus

Billy Markus

United StatesUnited States
‘83 / 42 Y.O.
Years Present
2013 - 2015
Net Worth
$1.00 M

Markus, who currently works for an education organization in the San Francisco Bay area, said he and fellow co-founder Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin as a joke in 2013, and its rise is surreal. Markus stated that he decided to quit in 2015 because of mounting stress and online harassment from the community.

“I’m no longer part of the Dogecoin mission; I left around 2015 as the network started to shift from one that I was comfy with strongly,” Markus wrote inside the open letter. The developer also ended up selling his whole holding for next to nothing. He said that he did not currently own any Dogecoin besides what has been given to him lately. He gave away or sold all the crypto he had back in 2015 after being laid off and scared about his dwindling financial savings, enough in general to buy a used Honda Civic. Imagine the sensation of dropping a once-in-a-lifetime possibility to become a billionaire in such a way. Weirdly, something he made in a few hours is now a part of internet culture. He stated funny to see Elon Musk speak about it. It feels stupid, but this is massive upwelling behind it.

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